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Reimagining countries health infrastructure

It's possible.

A scalable and sustainable solution to simplify end-to-end health campaign, and a powerful system for healthcare decision-makers and program managers to plan, monitor and execute with real-time data.

Health Campaign Management

A digital partner for
frontline workers

  • Easy-to-use mobile app
  • Guided user flows and analytics
  • Simplified routine tasks with built-in error checks
  • One-click on-call assistance
  • Works offline

      A Co-pilot for Managers and Supervisors
      Run campaigns efficiently

      • Track registration, service delivery, and campaign progress
      • Complaint tracking and resolution
      • Stock management
      • Staff management
      • Real-time data and actionable analytics

      Digital Headquarters for National Health Agencies

      Track and monitor campaigns in real time

      • Set up and configure multiple campaigns
      • Real-time data dashboards
      • Centralized help desks and complaint management
      • Easy integration with DHIS2 and other open-source products

        Complaints help- desk

        DIGIT HCM has a complaints help desk that helps resolve issues in real-time. Complaints can be submitted via a phone call or via the app. It also has the capability to accept complaints via WhatsApp. This can be set up as a centralised help desk or distributed based on geographic boundaries.


        An end-to-end, flexible, open, interoperable, and reusable platform to manage public health campaigns for all diseases.

        DIGIT HCM, co-created with partners, transformed how Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN) campaigns are run

        DIGIT Demo

        Mozambique witnessed the go-live of DIGIT HCM (locally called Salama) in 2023; becoming the pioneer of setting up Digital Public Infrastructure for health campaigns.

        Get in touch

        Schedule a demo or speak with one of our experts to discuss how DIGIT  could help you reimagine digital public infrastructure for your government, state or urban local body.