Making building plan approvals fast & hassle-free.
It's possible.

building plans approved
reduction in processing time

For Citizens
Easy permissions
With DIGIT-OBPS, professionals like architects, engineers and supervisors can seek permission for the construction of a building from any Urban Local Body with a speedy and hassle-free procedure, online.
Single Window Approval System
Get NOCs/approvals from one place well-integrated with all internal and external agencies.
eDCR scrutiny of drawing plan in a jiffy
Get real-time scrutiny of plans in a few seconds as per the state by-laws and generation of scrutiny report, online.
Online Payment System
Get accurate fee calculation and pay online in an instant.
For the ULB
Easy approvals
DIGIT-Online Building Permission System (OBPS) enables local government to bring in transparency, accountability and time-bound service for the public
Onboard Professionals
Register and add new professionals to the system with ease
Manage processing applications
Submit application, verify and generate permit based on the risk type with proper approval flows that include document scrutiny, field inspection and NOC approvals.
Generate notices and certificates
Generate notices, acknowledgement letters, approval letters, deviation and rejection letters from the system.
Monitor with Dashboards
Monitor the volume of applications, total plans scrutinised, average days to issue permits, SLA compliance, and occupancy type drill-downs on the illustrative dashboards.