New connections, processing, payment and billing made easy.
It's possible.
for a new water connection
in India transformed
revenue mobilized (INR)

Easy management of connections
DIGIT-Water and Sewerage enable citizens to manage everything related to their water and sewerage connections from one place.
Apply for new connections
Enable citizens to raise requests for new connections. Requests are activated once applications are approved and the connection charges are paid for.
Monitor meter readings
Enables citizens to verify their bill against their usage from the meter readings.
Modify connection details
Update property and connection details without any hassles in a few simple steps online.
for the urban local bodies
Easy management of
Citizen Requests
DIGIT-Water & Sewerage enables municipal employees with easy identification of citizen issues, besides helping them to initiate corrective actions, without any delay.
Approve and Activate new connections
Assign, approve and activate with clear workflow-driven processes
Manage billing and payments
Manage non-metered and metered water connection in either offline or online mode
Monitor progress with Online dashboards
Monitor the volume of applications, total metered and non-metered connection details, along with total revenue collection drill-downs on the illustrative dashboards.