Making property tax management a breeze.
It's possible.

total properties assessed
revenue collections to date
collections in 2021-22

For the Citizens
Easy self-serve
DIGIT-Property Tax (PT) is a self-serve facility for citizens that provides easy tax assessment and payment services to citizens in real-time.
Self-assess property
Citizens can perform self-assessment of a new property for a financial year.
Mutation of property
Perform mutation or transfer of ownership of property details.
Automate tax calculation
Configure the system to auto-compute property taxes as per the State regulations and defined procedures.
For the Urban Local Bodies
Easy automation
DIGIT-Property Tax (PT) addresses the objectives of municipal corporations and local governments to automate all property tax operations
Manage Property Tax
Register, self-assess properties. Process property mutation, alteration, bifurcation and amalgamation.
Generate demand notice
Generate automated demand notice and auto-push notifications for payments
Migrate Legacy Data
Migrate legacy data of existing properties and of demand and collection details